To measure threats on the ground WCS staff have increasingly begun to deploy standardized data collection during park ranger or community eco-guard patrols, often using MIST (Management Information SysTem) or CyberTracker to manage data and guide patrol effort. WCS is leading development and dissemination of the next generation of ranger-patrol management software and training -
SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool). This ranger-based planning and monitoring approach allows us to measure changes in level of threats across a landscape, help us monitor and improve law enforcement effectiveness, and provide vital information on very rare species that can contribute to an improved understanding of their occupancy trends.
SMART introduces accountability into anti-poaching efforts. It gives government agencies, managers and donors the ability to monitor and assess cost effectiveness of law enforcement efforts and can also be used by park and community reserve managers as a tool to measure job performance and help motivate field staff. Deploying SMART within our landscapes will significantly advance our capacity to monitor trends in key threats to wildlife and their habitat and help retarget law enforcement to help abate key direct threats.