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Director, Ocean Giants
is the Director of WCS’s Ocean Giants Program and has more than 25 years experience in marine mammal research and conservation activities involving a number of large whale and dolphin species. Dr. Rosenbaum and a global team have also recently completed a range wide genetic analysis of bowhead whales that includes populations from Russia and Alaska. He has managed significant research and field teams, and his current management responsibilities include 12 senior staff working on marine mammals around the world. He is a Senior Scientist at the American Museum of Natural History, an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University, a member of the IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group and IUCN Important Marine Mammal Area Task Force and on The United States delegation to the International Whaling Commission and a member of IWC Arctic Issues Working Group, and past Associate Editor for Marine Mammal Science.
Howard Rosenbaum
Director, Ocean Giants
is the Director of WCS’s Ocean Giants Program and has more than 25 years experience in marine mammal research and conservation activities involving a number of large whale and dolphin species. Dr. Rosenbaum and a global team have also recently completed a range wide genetic analysis of bowhead whales that includes populations from Russia and Alaska. He has managed significant research and field teams, and his current management responsibilities include 12 senior staff working on marine mammals around the world. He is a Senior Scientist at the American Museum of Natural History, an adjunct faculty member at Columbia University, a member of the IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group and IUCN Important Marine Mammal Area Task Force and on The United States delegation to the International Whaling Commission and a member of IWC Arctic Issues Working Group, and past Associate Editor for Marine Mammal Science.
Associate Marine Conservation Scientist
Melinda Rekdahl is an Associate Marine Conservation Scientist with the Ocean Giants Program at the Wildlife Conservation Society. Her research interests include bioacoustics, behavioral ecology and marine conservation. More specifically, she is interested in how the acoustic (including biological and anthropogenic noise) and physical environment influence marine mammal behavior and distribution, and how this information can be used to inform conservation and management decisions. Melinda completed her PhD at the University of Queensland, Australia and has over 15 years of experience working on marine mammal research and conservation projects in a number of locations around the world including Africa, Australia, Antarctica and now in New York.
Melinda Rekdahl
Associate Marine Conservation Scientist
Melinda Rekdahl is an Associate Marine Conservation Scientist with the Ocean Giants Program at the Wildlife Conservation Society. Her research interests include bioacoustics, behavioral ecology and marine conservation. More specifically, she is interested in how the acoustic (including biological and anthropogenic noise) and physical environment influence marine mammal behavior and distribution, and how this information can be used to inform conservation and management decisions. Melinda completed her PhD at the University of Queensland, Australia and has over 15 years of experience working on marine mammal research and conservation projects in a number of locations around the world including Africa, Australia, Antarctica and now in New York.
QWIO Scientific Director
Tim Collins is a British marine biologist with extensive experience of marine mammal research and conservation in Africa and the Middle East. His research interests include coastal cetaceans, threatened small populations and looking for both in wayward places. Of particular interest is the development of simple methods that inform robust analyses with meaningful conservation outcomes. Projects have included humpback whale research in Oman, South Africa, Madagascar, Gabon and Angola as well many smaller projects targeting coastal cetaceans. Tim is a member of the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, the IUCN SSC Cetacean Specialist Group and a researcher with the Environmental Society of Oman. He has led the WCS Gulf of Guinea Marine Mammal project since 2003 and is a Masters graduate of the University of St Andrews.
Tim Collins
QWIO Scientific Director
Tim Collins is a British marine biologist with extensive experience of marine mammal research and conservation in Africa and the Middle East. His research interests include coastal cetaceans, threatened small populations and looking for both in wayward places. Of particular interest is the development of simple methods that inform robust analyses with meaningful conservation outcomes. Projects have included humpback whale research in Oman, South Africa, Madagascar, Gabon and Angola as well many smaller projects targeting coastal cetaceans. Tim is a member of the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, the IUCN SSC Cetacean Specialist Group and a researcher with the Environmental Society of Oman. He has led the WCS Gulf of Guinea Marine Mammal project since 2003 and is a Masters graduate of the University of St Andrews.
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