
Ticks of the genus Amblyomma (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitizing wild tayassuids (Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu) in the Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve, Beni-Bolivia
Rodríguez, Erica Velia; Mollericona, Jose Luis; Nallar, Rodolfo
Ecología en Bolivia
Ixodidae of the genus Amblyomma were identified in 65 specimens of free-living Tayassu peccaries (43 Tayassu pecari and 22 Pecari tajacu), taken from subsistence hunting in the community of San Luis Chico in the Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve and Indigenous Territory. The ixodids were collected between July and September 2010 and May to July 2011. Systematic identification and morphological analysis were carried out using taxonomic keys with the stereomicroscope and micrometry with the computer program Motic Version 2.0. In Tayassu pecari four species of ticks were found; Amblyomma naponense (86.05%), A. oblongoguttatum (58.1%), A. brasiliense (55.81%) and A. sculptum (2.32%). In Pecari tajacu, Amblyomma naponense (95.5%), A. oblongoguttatum (64%) and A. brasiliense (23%) were found. The analysis to determine the association of ticks against tayasuid hosts showed significant difference (p≤0.05) of A. brasiliense, which could be attributed to the parasitic specificity of the ixodid towards tayasuids and its endemism in South America; the analysis against the variables of age and sex was not significant, so we conclude that ixodids would be a normal part of the parasitic fauna of tayasuids. The present study constitutes the first record of ticks of the genus Amblyomma in tayasuids from the Department of Beni, and the first report of A. brasiliense for Bolivia.
Beni, Bolivia; Ixodidos; Tayasuidos.

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