
Yankari Game Reserve WCS quarterly report: January-March 2020
Geoffrey, Nachamada
This report describes law enforcement efforts and SMART-based ranger patrols managed by WCS in Yankari Game Reserve for the period January to March 2020. A total of 2,110 patrol man days (46 patrols) were completed by rangers covering a total distance of 4,550km and rangers made nineteen arrests (10 hunters, 8 livestock grazers, and one person for collecting firewood) as a result. Zero elephant carcass was recorded and no elephant poacher was arrested during the period. However, elephant crop raiding was reported from Debigi, Mainamaji, Dan, Yelwan-Duguri, Gaji-Gamu, Kuka and Shira communities. We continue to track the elephants with the aid of the six satellite collars put on them to provide better protection and mitigate human elephant conflict issues in addition to the existing elephant guardians program. Several livestock grazing incidences were recorded during the period as we continue to enforce zero tolerance on cattle grazing in the reserve. More leopard pictures were captured with the aid of camera traps confirming their relative abundance in the reserve since the first rediscovery in 2017. Five joint patrols with the army were completed during the period as well. School trips for Yelwan Duguri Secondary School and three other primary schools (Sabon-Gari, Futuk, and Digare) were completed during the period (see picture on cover page). A gang of poachers attacked one of the ranger patrols and one ranger was shot on the hand. The injury was only minor and ha has since been discharged from the hospital. Three of the poachers were arrested and transferred to the police in Bauchi.

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