
The sustainability of hunting Tapirus terrestris and Tayassu pecari in the Isoso indigenous communal land: The unified harvest model
Noss, A. J.;Leny Cuéllar, R.
La sostenibilidad de la cacería de Tapirus terrestris y de Tayassu pecari en la tierra comunitaria de origen Isoso: El modelo de cosecha unificado
Indigenous territories are key to biodiversity conservation at the landscape scale in the Chaco and Amazonia. The indigenous inhabitants seek to integrate conservation with sustainable development, traditions, and new economic necessities. Hunting remains an important economic and subsistence activity, and this paper describes wildlife management research and planning in the Isoso indigenous communal land. Participatory data collection included hunter self-monitoring and track plots in order to evaluate the sustainability of hunting practices, focusing on tapir and white-lipped peccary. The unified harvest model is the most complete theoretical model, integrating hunting and vulnerability models that incorporate biological productivity data and hunting offtakes. Results are preliminary because the models require detailed data from the site on multiple parameters that are difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to collect. Tapir and white-lipped peccaries are the largest and most vulnerable prey species. In general, the data confirm that they are being over-exploited. However, a finer examination within the Isoso indicates that in certain zones current hunting rates may be sustainable, either because these animals are rarely encountered and therefore offtakes are virtually nil, or because productivity is relatively high perhaps reflecting source-sink dynamics between the Isoso and the neighboring Parque Nacional Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco. The results caused general concern in community meetings and recommendations in the Isoso General Assembly for a 3-year hunting ban on both species. Local parabiologists and community authorities are working to formalize and implement the ban. Hunting and track plot monitoring continue to evaluate the effects of community wildlife management measures. © SAREM, 2008.
Bolivia;Chaco;Hunter self-monitoring;Sustainable use

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