
2007 Marco Polo Argali Research in the Big Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan - Year-end Summary
Winnie, J. and R. Harris
Once known to be a relatively common inhabitant of the Afghan Pamirs, the current status of one of the most important indicator species of the high-altitude areas - the Marco Polo sheep - is now largely unknown. What is known is that thirty years of conflict, unrestricted hunting and extensive livestock grazing is likely to have caused a decline in their numbers. However, without baseline data on seasonal habitat use, species distribution, population status and movement patterns, Marco Polo conservation strategies can neither be developed nor implemented. The WCS Survey Team therefore headed north in 2007 to gather supporting data on Marco Polo sheep ecology and behavior, as well as train local researchers to carry on this valuable work. This report summarizes their work through the year.
Marco Polo sheep, Argali, Afghan Pamirs, Wakhan, livestock grazing, hunting, management plan, trans-boundary park, fecal analysis, DNA, mark-recapture, population estimate, distribution model, training, population connectivity, seasonal range

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