
Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park Management Plan
Wildlife Conservation Society, Fiji
The Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park Management Plan establishes the vision, strategies and framework for sustainably managing Vatu Island (known also as Vatu-i-Ra Island), the surrounding customary fishing grounds i qoliqoli Cokovata Nakorotubu, and adjacent deeper waters. The management plan seeks to promote a holistic ecosystem-based management approach to managing terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and reflects both communities and private sector needs and aspirations for the area. Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is “an integrated approach to management that considers the entire ecosystem, including humans” 1. The management plan puts in place strategies and actions to ensure that the ecosystems are and remain healthy, productive and resilient to future change, to ensure the resources are there for communities and local stakeholders today and in the future. The management plan incorporates data and information from previous studies and a resource management plan produced by BirdLife International and NatureFiji-MareqetiViti in 2010. This management plan focuses on the management of the Conservation Park, and complements a Trust Deed that has been established to administer the voluntary contributions from the tourism operators. The Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park Trust Deed (Trust Deed) sets out the mission, purpose, and criteria, roles and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees and the Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park Management Committee in both managing the Park and the education funds. The Trust Deed will be legally registered and will have systems in place to ensure full transparency and accountability on the use and distribution of funds.
management plan; conservation park; Fiji
Full Citation
Wildlife Conservation Society, Fiji (2018). Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park Management Plan. Suva, Fiji: Wildlife Conservation Society, Fiji, 1-32.

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