
Aboriginal peoples and protected areas in Canada - Implications for achieving conservation
Ray, J. and D. Reid
Decisions that affect how people use land are among the most fraught that any enlightened society has to grapple with. Two claims that typically come out on the short end of the land-use debate are the claims of indigenous people and claims for non-human species. The pursuit of equitable balances between different human constituencies, and between people and the natural world, has to be grounded in the realities of specific places, peoples, histories, and opportunities. The chapters in this volume provide a set of rich and varied perspectives that show how complicated this pursuit is. Specifically, the chapter "Aboriginal Peoples and Protected Areas in Canada" highlights the legacy of varying forms of historical displacement from protected area establishment and follows the evolution of legislation as it addresses aboriginal interests in Canada.
Full Citation
Ray, J. and D. Reid. 2007. Aboriginal peoples and protected areas in Canada: Implications for achieving conservation. Pgs 60-64 in K.H.Redford and E. Fearn (eds.). Protected Areas and Human Displacement: a conservation perspective. Working Paper No. 29, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York.

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