
Protocolo para las técnicas de investigación y monitoreo de jaguares
John Polisar, Sean M. Matthews, Rahel Sollman, Marcella J. Kelly, Jon P. Beckmann, Eric W. Sanderson, Kim Fisher, Melanie Culver, Rodrigo Núñez, Octavio C. Rosas Rosas, Carlos A. López González, Bart J. Harmsen, Tim G. O’Brien, Carlos De Angelo, and Fernando C. C. Azevedo
Polisar et al 2014 Protocol of jaguar survey and monitoring techniques and methodologies Jaguars (Panthera onca L.) have lived in the America’s for more than 2 million years, but thousands of years of range expansion were reversed in the last few hundred years, particularly on the margins of their range. The USFWS contracted the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to: 1) conduct a comprehensive literature review of jaguar survey and monitoring techniques and methodologies (Polisar et al. 2014); and 2) draft a jaguar survey and monitoring protocol for application in the NRU, with relevance for monitoring the species range wide. In this second half of the task, we present a survey and monitoring protocol for jaguars in the NRU and guidance for monitoring range wide. In April 2014 WCS convened a group of fifteen jaguar and quantitative sampling scientists and agency personnel for a 4-day workshop at the Ladder Ranch in Caballo, New Mexico. We developed a jaguar survey and monitoring protocol based on expert recommendations tailored to the habitats and social contexts of the NRU with application across the remainder of jaguar range.
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John Polisar, Sean M. Matthews, Rahel Sollman, Marcella J. Kelly, Jon P. Beckmann, Eric W. Sanderson, Kim Fisher, Melanie Culver, Rodrigo Núñez, Octavio C. Rosas Rosas, Carlos A. López González, Bart J. Harmsen, Tim G. O’Brien, Carlos De Angelo, and Fernando C. C. Azevedo. 2014. Protocol of Jaguar Survey and Monitoring Techniques and Methodologies A Submission to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Partial Fulfillment of Contract F13PX01563, submitted 16 October 2014. 156 pp.

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