
Darwaz Survey Report
Moheb, Z. & Mostafawi, S. N.
The most notable findings of the survey were the confirmation of the presence of Markhor and Brown Bear in the Area, as well as what appears to be the first ever live photographs of a lizard species, Laudakia badakhshana, and the first record of this species since its initial taxonomic description in 1969 (S. Anderson per comm., 2012). There was also a report that a Caspian Tiger had allegedly been shot in Darwaz about 15 years ago. In the course of 29 days of survey we visited three districts of Darwaz where we saw markhor, red fox, unidentified voles and bats, 107 species of birds, agama lizards and Laudakia badakshana . We recorded indirect field evidence of brown bear, leopard (or possibly snow leopard), ibex, porcupine, marmot, wild boar and snakes. During the interview the informants reported the occurrence of nearly 20 mammalian species in the study area
Mammalian Species,Brown Bear,Lizard Species(Laudakia badakhshana),Caspian Tiger,Wild boar,

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